Individuality, tailor made products, resource savings - the textile industry is constantly developing sophisticated new processes and materials. read more (German version)
Research institutes - who is active here?

FIBRE - Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.
We develop high-tech compound materials, fibres, production technologies and we are the right ones to contact in case of quality assurance and material...

ITM - Institut für Textilmaschinen und textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, TU Dresden
The ITM is one of the world's leading university research facilities and is part of the most efficient institutes of the Excellence University of Dresden.

ITA - Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University
We are an international research and training service provider for fibre-based high-tech materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing...

wfk - Cleaning Technology Institute e. V.
We develop your thoughts!

STFI - Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e. V
The institute sets focus on user-oriented research and development of technical textiles, non-woven textiles as well as on testing and certifying services.

FTB - Hochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik
Our knowledge - your future

TFI - Forschungsinstitut für Bodensysteme der RWTH Aachen e. V.
We are the institute for research, testing and certifying in the field of construction and furnishing products in Europe.

ITV - Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik der Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)
Application-oriented research: from the resource to the finished product - from the idea to the market.