Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash


CORNET: COllective Research NETworking

CORNET is a network of ministries and funding agencies that combine their existing funding schemes to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In this way, CORNET supports new funding organisations worldwide to introduce pilot actions and schemes for pre-competitive Collective Research.

Participation in a CORNET project allows SMEs, SME associations or groups and research organisations to build up an international network and to benefit from know-how and resources that might not be available in their country or region. CORNET features high success rates and short time to contract. The CORNET partners support applicants in finding the right partners for their pre-competitive Collective Research projects.

Collective Research

SMEs are often confronted with challenges such as new security or environmental norms, new materials, or the need to innovate their production processes. Most SMEs lack financial and personnel resources to perform research activities that would be necessary to tackle these issues. Collective Research offers the solution: several enterprises of the same branch (or even across sectors) with a common pre-competitive problem join forces within a project consortium. Usually supported by an SME organisation, the project consortium receives funding for assigning a research organisation with the task of solving their problem. After the completion of such a research project, the results are widely distributed. You will find project examples illustrating the broad variety of Collective Research in our > Success Stories.

Application and Funding

The partners in a project submit one common proposal form in the English language. The proposal describes the whole international project, which is made up of two or more national sub-projects. The whole proposal is evaluated in a synchronised procedure by the involved funding agencies. After positive evaluation, each project partner receives funding from his national/regional funding scheme. > Project Path

The CORNET coordination activities are financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Unbureaucratic Support

As familiar national and regional funding programmes form the basis of support, collaboration with international partners in CORNET projects is unbureaucratic. Personal contact between applicants and funding agencies facilitates advice for proposal submission and flexible solutions to problems that might arise during a project.

Calls for Proposals

Twice a year CORNET issues calls for proposals for international Collective Research projects. The calls follow a bottom-up approach: every topic that supports SMEs in their innovation efforts is welcome. > Calls for Proposals

New partners welcome

The CORNET network of funding organisations pursues the aim of increasing the number of members. CORNET welcomes funding organisations acting at national and regional level worldwide. > Join CORNET


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