Energy and climate change - impossible without the use of technical textiles

Textile lightweight construction leads to energy savings in the entire construction industry and thus indirectly to a reduction in CO2 emissions.


Textile lightweight construction leads to energy savings throughout the building sector and thus indirectly to a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Lightweight construction can make a significant contribution to climate protection: construction generates half of the world's waste and consumes 40 percent of our energy. This not only ensures increasing scarcity of raw materials, but also has negative consequences for the climate.

Textile construction is characterized by a particularly high ecological and economic savings potential. The use of textile (composite) materials makes important contributions to the industrial implementation of lightweight construction throughout the building industry.

Overheated rooms in summer quickly become a burden. The Building Energy Act (GEG - § 14) therefore requires not only good building insulation in winter, but also binding proof of thermal protection in summer. Textile sun protection systems and textile building envelopes regulate daylight penetration by shading windows with fabrics or fabrics.

Solar shading systems thus prevent rooms from heating up, avoid the need for energy-intensive cooling, thereby reducing energy consumption and contributing to greater comfort in all weather conditions - making a significant contribution to climate protection and the achievement of European climate targets.

Fluorocarbon products on the textiles provide the necessary dirt- and water-repellent finish to keep out water and guarantee durability. Appropriately finished textiles dry faster, are easier to clean and are protected against destructive infestation by moss and microorganisms. This fluorocarbon resin finish thus also makes a decisive contribution to the sustainability and efficiency of the products described, which make an important contribution to climate protection, energy transition and health protection.